Neck Pain Specialist

Key Chiropractic
Ryan Key, DC
Chiropractor located in Murfreesboro, TN
Dr. Ryan Key and the rest of the team at Key Chiropractic, located in Murfreesboro, TN, provide dependable, effective treatment options for neck pain. These options include spinal adjustments, physical therapy, and more.
Neck Pain Q&A
What Causes Neck Pain?
There are several potential causes of neck pain. These include strained muscles, wear and tear on joints, a compressed nerve, trauma, and rheumatoid arthritis and other underlying medical conditions. Herniated discs and other spinal problems can put too much pressure on the upper back and neck, resulting in pain. Fractures and other types of injuries can also cause damage to the neck.
What Are the Symptoms of Neck Pain?
Neck pain is not usually a problem if it only occurs once in awhile and does not last long or affect regular activities. Pain that becomes worse after being in one position too long, sudden and severe pain, muscle spasms, tight muscles, headaches, and a limited range of motion are other symptoms that can occur with neck pain.
How Is Neck Pain Diagnosed?
Doctors conduct physical exams and take imaging tests if needed in order to pinpoint the cause of neck pain. These imaging tests include computerized tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging, and X-rays, which provide doctors with a better and more detailed view of the affected area. Blood tests help rule out medical conditions or infections that could be causing pain, and an electromyography allows doctors to check for pinched nerves.
How Is Neck Pain Treated?
The most suitable treatment for neck pain depends on a variety of important factors, such as what is causing pain, how severe it is, whether or not there are any other symptoms present, and how frequently it occurs. Self-care measures for neck pain include over-the-counter pain relievers, cold packs, heating pads, and gentle exercises, such as stretches. For neck pain that persists, prescription medications might help. Other treatment options include physical therapy, traction, steroid injections, and surgical procedures. Physical therapy helps make neck and upper back muscles stronger and more flexible, leading to a lower risk of ongoing neck pain.
How Can Chiropractic Care Help Neck Pain?
Spinal adjustments are part of chiropractic care. These adjustments involve manipulating the spine in order to bring it back into alignment. Doing this can help ease neck pain by easing tension on the upper spine. Chiropractic care is an effective and safe option for many individuals with neck pain.
Chiropractic care is a safe and effective option for patients complaining of neck, upper back, and shoulder/arm pain, as well as headaches. Like the treatment for many conditions affecting the low back, chiropractic is considered a first line of treatment for a range of cervical spine(Neck) conditions.
Common treatment goals for head and neck region include:
- Reducing pain
- Improving motion
- Restored spinal mechanics, alignment, and function
Insurances Accepted
We accept most health insurance plans. Affordable self-pay options are available too. Please do not hesitate to call our staff with any insurance questions. We can verify benefits for you over the phone and schedule you when you're ready.