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Self-Care for Back Pain

1. Try to keep moving

-Gentle stretches should be done before active exercises.

-Avoid sitting, lying, or standing for long periods of time.

-Avoid heavy lifting or prolong repetitive activities. 

2. Heat stiff and achy muscles

-Heat is preferred for low back pain. Heat can help increased blood to injured tissues and help relax taut/stiff muscle fibers.

3. Sleep posture

-Sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees can help relax muscles of the back and reduce tenderness. If sleeping on your back hurts, try lying on your side with a pillow between your knees.

If pain and limitations persist more then 48 hours, make an appointment with a chiropractor or back pain specialist.  

Ryan Key DC, MS Dr. Ryan Key provides safe and effective chiropractic care for headaches, back & neck pain, sciatica, and disc disorders. At Key Chiropractic, Dr. Key puts his years of education and experience to use in order to help patients find relief as quickly as possible.

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